Colmic 2-delig 2m90
The Oversize EC-200S Power Hyper 30 from COLMIC is a very strong power kit for carp fishing with a pole. The Oversize EC-200S Power Hyper 30 has a reinforced part in the 2nd part, where you can make a pulla system by means of a drilling system. This reinforced section is made from a ceramic reinforcement. This power kit is ideal for use with a full or hollow eslastic. The Oversize EC-200A Fighter can be used on the EC-Series rods and NOT on the K-Series rods.


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Referentie: CC8799C93A
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Fabrikant: COLMIC
Category: Coarse & Match
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Colmic   2-delig 2m90

Colmic 2-delig 2m90

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