Enjoy a discount with the loyalty card system of Het Loze Vissertje

A savings system where you can save 5% of your purchase value in 10 turns!

How does our loyalty card system work?

  • With every purchase you make, you can: save your loyalty card 5% of your purchase value on 10 purchases (except promotion prices, live bait and on ACTION days).
  • After your 10th purchase, your loyalty card is full and you can spend your saved discount on all our products in the store or webshop.
  • With a full card we opt for a personal visit in our store, but you can also use it online if you request a personal code by email (info@hetlozevissertje.be)

Don't have a loyalty card?

  • You will automatically receive a customer card when ordering in our webshop. You don't have to do anything special yourself.
  • With subsequent purchases you can automatically save even if you have a full customer card.

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