The MonsterVibe (Indiana) from WESTIN is a must for every predator fisherman. Sometimes a monster is needed to catch a monster. And that is exactly what the in-your-face MonsterVibe Spinnerbait from Westin is designed for! With a simple cast and retrieval, you can create a whole lot of chaos beneath the surface that the big mums fight against who get it first. The MonsterVibe has a weed-free design that makes it easy to fish in heavy coverage. This is a seriously tough spinnerbait that is easy to fish and produces fantastic results, so go to the weeds and get the big mums out of the dark!
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Référence: | P127-026-147 |
Convient pour: | - |
Marque: | WESTIN |
Couleur: | Black mamba |
Matériel: | MonsterVibe (Indiana) |
Catégorie: | Carnassier |
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